Play Therapy case 1
Dear Ms. Choy,
In these short 10 sessions, I saw my child's obvious progress. Thank you for your understanding, support and teaching me the skills to treat my child.I know my son has temper tantrum, hope he did not hurt you or destroy those toys. Really sorry!
But Thank you for your love and patience!
Wish you work smoothly and happily!
Suen Suen's Mom

Play Therapy case 3
Thank you Stella.
Your play therapy effectively assisted Carson's social anxiety reduction, particularly with peers. We, as parents also learnt a lot form you about tips in helping Carson in overcoming his selective mutism. This is important because reducing/ eliminating SM may need longer time, with your advice and encouragement, we are more confident in handling it.
Thank you for your willingness in helping communicating with school teachers and therapist in school. Carson is lucky to be in a school with inclusive culture and open-minded teachers who are willing to work hand-in-hand with parents to support Carson's development.

Play Therapy case 2
Ms. Choy,
When facing a kid who was always complained by the teacher, as a parent, I really feel bad. Initially, when Lok Lok has not been diagnosed as having autistic features, I remembered you said "No matter he has autistic features or not, we should still love him, help him according to his need." Your words made me relieved somehow. Play Therapy not only gave Lok Lok a space of freedom, but also beautiful memories, and positive development. He progressed from total non-compliance, unresponsive to others' speech, to listening to commands, to self-control, to going well with his brother, to taking initiatives to play with us...All those improvements.
Ms. Choy you has been right, all those things not just happened, really appreciated your love and effective way to help him grow, you are an important role in his life. You also helped me when I felt confused... There's a way indeed.
Thank You!
Lok Lok's Mom

Speech Therapy case 1
Ms. Choy:
Thank you for your care and teaching in the past 2 months. I learned how to protect my voice and how to project my voice in the sessions.
In the process of therapy, I could deeply feel your continuous encouragement. You motivated me to have progress. Hope you can help more friends.
Wish you good health!
Ms Yiu (left vocal cord paralysis after flu.)