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Human consists of emotion, physical and spiritual aspects to make us complete. When our emotion is disturbed, our physical and spiritual health would be affected. Thus it is important to seek help early when we discover problems in our mental health.

Counsellor uses psychological theories as basis for change. The Goal of counselling is to help clients improve mental health, try new ways of coping and relating with other people.

Our Counsellor will provide an atmosphere with security, empathy and acceptance, so as to assist clients face and handle crisis or traumatic situations, and help clients deal with the long-term consequences of these events.

Our counsellor holds a Master Degree in Social Sciences (Counselling) and had completed intensive counselling training and supervised clinical practice. We not only respect clients’ values, but also strictly follow the confidentiality and codes of ethics of Psychological Counselling.

Scope of Counselling Service

Basically you can talk about any issues related to you in counselling.

  • Emotional disturbances (including anxiety, sadness, grief, anger, and fear, etc)

  • Personal growth (different types of addiction)

  • Parenting difficulties

  • Marriage difficulties (marital growth, lack of effective communication, extra-marital affairs)

  • Family relationship difficulties

  • Work stress or working relationship difficulties

Who needs counselling?

  • If your emotional disturbances persist and have already affected your daily life (sleep or food intake), work or relationship, please arrange to talk to our Counsellor as soon as possible. We will have an initial assessment so as to help you find out the problems and possible ways out.

  • Our psychological counsellor can help you on anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, manic disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia and Hypochondriasis

  • Our counsellor will use the most appropriate counselling approach according to clients' need. The most widely used approaches are: Person-centered therapy.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

  • Family Therapy.

  • Solution focused therapy

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